Sunday, December 20, 2009


In the past several weeks, I have reflected and analyzed my goals as a classroom teacher making note of some things that I want to improve on. Since the GAME assignment was assigned to us I have decided to take into serious consideration the impact that I have in using technology. One of my goals with this GAME plan has been to seek professional development opportunities to educate myself on how I can better apply this to my lessons. With teaching kindergarten I have to modify much of what I learn. This extra step seems overwhelming many times, but one thing that I am going to do is to have one goal per month to focus on. If I hit those goals little by little then I'm sure I'll feel a little more confident with using technology and find more ways to use it.

Most of the resources seemed pretty fascinating to me. I would love to try digital storytelling in my classroom. The good thing about the GAME plan is that it is a very structured and a thought provoking plan. This is a good thing for me since I like to overplan rather than not plan enough. Starting in January I will be attending some professional development sessions using technology in the classroom. I am very excited to collaborate with some teachers within my school district to learn about additional resources. I've also learned that online collaboration is a much easier concept than what I imagined it to be. My students become very excited about receiving emails from other schools. It allows for them to see a new perspectives. I would enjoy checking out other opportunities for social networking if my school were to allow it .

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