Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Evaluating your GAME plan progress

How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?

My first goal: Develop a technology-enriched learning environment that enables all students to pursue individual curiosities and to become active participants in setting educational goals, managing learning, and assessing progress.

This goal is currently being enforced within my classroom. I am providing my students with technology in my lessons and also during the students’ center time. I’ve recently started using the “clickers” to where my students to can punch in their answer to a question. It’s an exciting task for the kindergartners.

My second goal: Engagement within a PLC to learn about what new technology is out there and to educate colleagues.

I have discussed with my principal about becoming involved with a PLC and she was excited about that prospect of forming a PLC team to discuss technology.

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

I’ve learned that it is imperative to plan out how you can use that technology for your lessons. It’s so easy to just do the obvious with what we know, but thinking about how you can take your lessons a step further with technology really does help your students be engaged and helps with helping them make connections.

What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?

I am still learning about new technology and ways to adapt it to my students’ needs. I think each classroom is different and there can be no right way to incorporate technology but incorporate it so that you know your students.

My question is how do I manage kindergartners with technology when it is only myself?

How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?

I like my plan where it is and it is working well for me right now. In the future I will have to adjust my plan by enriching my students. It will involve me creating a new classroom evaluation so I can determine where my students are and where they are heading


  1. Erica,

    It is really hard to imagine how hard you must fight in the kindergarten! Wow, you are the only one to make things work and still you do not lack courage. I deeply admire you. Indeed...

    I consider it relevant to present educational technology to others as well. There are a lot of issues to discuss and a lot of items to present. And what is best, in case you have something to tell them and they do listen, you contribute to the change in the education in general. This is what is to be particularly appreciated.

  2. Erica,

    It sounds like you are making good progress towards your goals. Integrating technology into lessons when possible and allowing students to use technology during centers is a good start. Do you ever get or use parent volunteers. They can be helpful during centers so they can help do some of the problem solving. Keep up the good work!
