Sunday, December 20, 2009


In the past several weeks, I have reflected and analyzed my goals as a classroom teacher making note of some things that I want to improve on. Since the GAME assignment was assigned to us I have decided to take into serious consideration the impact that I have in using technology. One of my goals with this GAME plan has been to seek professional development opportunities to educate myself on how I can better apply this to my lessons. With teaching kindergarten I have to modify much of what I learn. This extra step seems overwhelming many times, but one thing that I am going to do is to have one goal per month to focus on. If I hit those goals little by little then I'm sure I'll feel a little more confident with using technology and find more ways to use it.

Most of the resources seemed pretty fascinating to me. I would love to try digital storytelling in my classroom. The good thing about the GAME plan is that it is a very structured and a thought provoking plan. This is a good thing for me since I like to overplan rather than not plan enough. Starting in January I will be attending some professional development sessions using technology in the classroom. I am very excited to collaborate with some teachers within my school district to learn about additional resources. I've also learned that online collaboration is a much easier concept than what I imagined it to be. My students become very excited about receiving emails from other schools. It allows for them to see a new perspectives. I would enjoy checking out other opportunities for social networking if my school were to allow it .

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Using the GAME plan process with your students

The GAME plan process is a great tool to use not only in setting goals, but also figuring out how to manage this process in your classroom. Since I teach kindergarten, I find that it is more difficult for me to let my students complete projects independently. It is more of let me show you what to do. I oftentimes have to modify a great idea that I read about or hear about from other teachers to fit the profiles of my students. Even throughout this class I have often been puzzled with how to modify technology to fit my students' needs. Often I feel like I am doing most of the work and it all becomes too much. I think though that if I introduce bits of technology at a time then it won't seem so overwhelming.

My students are still learning about goals and how to set them. This is where I think the GAME plan is very beneficial. We usually set goals as a whole class and then sometimes reach those goals. If we do not, we try to discuss what happened as to why we didn't get there. I would prefer to start my GAME plan this way in trying one as a whole group. I feel that if I were to set up a GAME plan for each child individually then it would be too overwhelming to manage. I enjoy having one-on-one conversations with my students so conferencing with them would be a great way to find out more with the comfort level of the child or whether the child is learning anything.

I hope that as an educator I can participate in more professional development workshops and read more literature on the current technology.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Revising Your GAME Plan

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

I said it last week and I’m going to say it this week; I’ve learned that it is imperative to plan out how you can use that technology for your lessons. There are so many amazing resources out there to grab a hold of in order to learn something and share it with your students. I find that once I start a lesson, there is no time to think about what you need to do next; you just do it. By having your lesson already set in your mind and being prepared, you deliver more of an effective lesson.

What goals are you still working toward?

I am always working on my goals, and I think that I’ve established a technology-rich environment with resources that I have available to me and that are appropriate for kindergarten. My first goal: Develop a technology-enriched learning environment that enables all students to pursue individual curiosities and to become active participants in setting educational goals, managing learning, and assessing progress.

We are currently working on setting goals by talking about what a goal is and how do we go about working towards our goals.

My second goal: Engagement within a PLC to learn about what new technology is out there and to educate colleagues.

This goal is still being continued as well. I also consider Walden a PLC and am learning lots from all of my wonderful colleagues.

Based on the NETS-T, what new learning goals will you set for yourself?

A new goal that I would like to set for myself is to communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. I think that parent communication is key to a child’s success. If I could communicate to parents about what we are doing in the classroom through wikis or blogs, then I think the amount of parent to teacher interaction would increase. More and more parents are getting involved with technology in order to keep up with their children.

What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?

Next time I will try to ask more questions about technology. Sometimes I feel like my questions may be too juvenile.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Evaluating your GAME plan progress

How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?

My first goal: Develop a technology-enriched learning environment that enables all students to pursue individual curiosities and to become active participants in setting educational goals, managing learning, and assessing progress.

This goal is currently being enforced within my classroom. I am providing my students with technology in my lessons and also during the students’ center time. I’ve recently started using the “clickers” to where my students to can punch in their answer to a question. It’s an exciting task for the kindergartners.

My second goal: Engagement within a PLC to learn about what new technology is out there and to educate colleagues.

I have discussed with my principal about becoming involved with a PLC and she was excited about that prospect of forming a PLC team to discuss technology.

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

I’ve learned that it is imperative to plan out how you can use that technology for your lessons. It’s so easy to just do the obvious with what we know, but thinking about how you can take your lessons a step further with technology really does help your students be engaged and helps with helping them make connections.

What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?

I am still learning about new technology and ways to adapt it to my students’ needs. I think each classroom is different and there can be no right way to incorporate technology but incorporate it so that you know your students.

My question is how do I manage kindergartners with technology when it is only myself?

How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?

I like my plan where it is and it is working well for me right now. In the future I will have to adjust my plan by enriching my students. It will involve me creating a new classroom evaluation so I can determine where my students are and where they are heading