Thursday, November 12, 2009

My GAME plan

Because technology is changing at a rapid pace, I think it is important to not only have goals in mind of how you could improve your plan, but also how you can take actions towards those goals. Dr. Kathrine Cennamo discussed the situation about how it’s important to learn about your teaching when learning new technology (Laureate, 2009). I have a few performance indicators that I would like to improve on.

Standard: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

Goal ~ My goal is to develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress within my classroom (

Actions ~ In order to achieve my goal I would need to evaluate my own classroom environment to see what changes I can make to what I currently apply in my own classroom. Once I identify what changes I want to make it would be to my benefit to find out from other colleagues what technology resources they do in their classrooms. By allowing these resources to be accessible to my students in a friendly manner, with lots of modeling on my part, students can choose to work at their own pace with the technology provided. We can talk about the parts of a computer and what each function allows us to do followed by how we can use this in our learning. With my kindergartners, goal setting is not an individual process but a process we accomplish together. I will verbally express what I hope that each child will learn with using the computer. With assessing my students, I can assess and have students assess themselves through summative assessments that I produce.

Monitor ~ I will monitor my progress through student participation and achievement. How well will my students be achieving their goals and will they master the concepts presented to them?

Evaluate ~ I will evaluate my actions in meeting my goals by gaining feedback from my students in their evaluation of the content presented. Did they enjoy the way that the lesson was presented? Did the students achieve their goals? If so, what can I do to help them extend that concept?

Standard: Engage in professional growth and leadership.

Goal ~ My goal is to become involved in a professional learning community about what new technology is out there and how to educate my colleagues about this technology.

Actions ~ In order to accomplish this goal I need to find professional learning community workshops to educate me about what the current technology available for educators are and how to become involved with online professional learning communities. I should also make my principal aware of my goal and asking her if I could facilitate some book studies on technology usage within the classroom.

Monitor ~ I will monitor my progress by evaluating how effective the workshops that I attended are and whether they fit my needs and whether I am reviewing skills that I already know or am learning something new. I should also go online and review some blogs on other teachers who use technology to see if I am on the right track or to get any new ideas.

Evaluate ~ I will evaluate my learning by asking whether I have learned something new that I could use with my students. If so, then by trying it and seeing that it works I will know that I succeeded.

Laureate Education Inc. (2009). “Enriching Learning Experiences with Technology.” Baltimore, MD: Laureate Education Inc.

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at


  1. I think becoming part of a Professional Learning Network or Community is a great way to learn more and build a network of supportive colleagues. We did a PLN last year based on Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works (based on Marzano's strategies). The link to our wiki site is if you would like to check it out. This year, we are doing a PLN based on Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms by Smith and Throne. Our Instructional Technology Resource Teacher has faciliated both of these. Do you have an Instructional Technology person that might be willing to lead a group at your school?

  2. Sarah,

    Thank you for the wiki website. I think it's great that your school district is very informed and open about technology discussion. I have not felt that in my district yet, but would like to bring it up. I do have an Instructional Technology person at my school. To be honest, she has other various roles at the school as well. She teaches during the day also and assists with whatever is needed at the school. I would like to talk to her about leading a PLN with teachers who would be interested. Thanks for the advice!

  3. I am also interested in sharing more information with my colleagues about technology and how to use it in the classroom. I feel as though some teachers are already integrating technology but some are not at all. I would really like to share with them how easy it can be. Sure, some things are more complicated than others, but there are many activities, like internet scavenger hunts, that anyone can implement into lessons.
