Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carrying Out my GAME Plan

My GAME plan involves two learning goals: to be able to engage myself in professional development towards learning more about technology, and to develop a technology rich learning environment for my students by them being active participants. I have had a chance to start my plan but I have realized that it is a continuous process that will take me some time.

I have started to talk with my kindergarten team about some ways that they use technology and right now they are using various websites to help reinforce those concepts discussed and allowing students practice using the mouse and keyboard. Our school website recently changed so our Instructional Technology Rep asked us if we wanted to post any websites for parents to use and we gathered all of the websites that we have used and posted them on our site. This allows teachers, parents, and students access to these sites for drill and practice. My Instructional Technology Rep has been out of her office because of a family emergency but I want to ask her about starting a Professional Learning Network at my school about technology.

I will continue to seek out any professional development workshops to help answer some of my questions about technology, but for the most part, I will consult with my colleagues on these issues.


  1. School websites are so helpful to parents and the idea of posting useful links and information must benefit them immensely. What types of information did your team include? Do you have any kindergartners who access the site at home? I know that in the past I have had links on my website to educational games and websites that my students enjoy using when they are not at school. However, not all students have Internet access so not all children will be on the same page.

  2. We just include the links and if parents want to contact us they can do so via email. I do have some kindergartners who access the site at home. Their parents mostly do the navigation for them and it's usually done by students who need that extra help.

  3. Hi Erica,
    I don't know if it's possible, but at our schools throughout the county, you can suggest workshops on topics you would like to learn more about. It's just a thought, but maybe you can talk to your county's professional development team and work something out? Good luck!

  4. Erica,

    We are also able to put links to websites on our class website. I have listen, Jan Brett's and Laura Numeroff's sites and others. We added a link to an internet safety (netsmartz) and kerpoof (a program introduced by the Technology person in our building) this year. We also use Pearson SuccessNet which is a math program that correlates with our math program so the students can use the same shape software at home that we taught them about at school. Our main webpage also has Learning Links which are various websites categorized by grade level and subject area. I also taught my students how to access our class website last year so they could show their parents how to find our technology projects there...they could do it and it made them feel special! I find that somme students seem to use these links quite a bit and others do not use the computer very much at home.

    I think it would be great if your Instructional Technololgy person could help set up a PLN for your school. I also thought April's idea of contacting your professional development department would be a great way to find technology related professional development. There are also webinars that are pretty easy to find on most topics out there.

  5. I currently use our school website to post homework assignments, test dates and any other information that students and parents may need. It is very helpful, because my special education students are not always consistent in writing their assignments in their planners. Parents love it, because they always know what their son or daughter has for homework. My next step is to post some websites on it that students can access for help in all of their subject areas. I think that is great that your school is compiling a list, too.

  6. Hi Erica,
    I'm able to post websites at my school too, but I am guilty that I have only posted one or two so far. I do post homework, deadlines, and reminders which seems to help those students and parents who make looking there a habit.

    Starting the kindergarten kids using sites, etc. is wonderful. You are really preparing them for the future. Keep up the good work!

