Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reflection Week 8

This class has proven to me to be a very engaging and interesting class that has opened my eyes to the new emerging technologies. Emerging technologies are constantly changing and becoming common in our everyday lives. The fact that I can bring so much technology into my curriculum can sometimes be mind boggling and helpful to students. The use of online learning modules has allowed me to put forth more avenues for learning with my students. My students see that learning doesn’t only take place in a classroom, but as a global society. When we post what we have learned, we take ownership for our learning. My students are always telling me that they can’t wait until they are older and they can do more with putting their own thoughts and experiences out on the Internet.

This assignment (Application 7) has helped me to think of various ways of bringing learning into the classroom and has allowed for students to see that asking questions poses an answer. Everyone asks questions and that is part of the learning process. Students also were encouraged to work together as a class to develop questions and posting what they learned through the online learning modules.

Technology in this class has really opened up my eyes. I will continue to research emerging technologies and collaborate with my staff members. I will also be on a leadership team discussing technology and how the school can better improve upon student use of technology.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Online Learning Modules

I made a powerpoint presentation for the staff at my school. I attached it to a wiki that I have made for one of my technology classes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 8 Reflection

This course has explained to me the differences between Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design for Learning. I have learned how to incorporate technology into my instruction by making my classroom environment conducive to learning and focusing on my students and how they learn. My colleagues have been very supportive in sharing resources and providing feedback about my work. I will be using the resources to gain a deeper understanding of how I can apply this information into my own classroom. This information may be relevant to other grade levels, but I can certainly modify the information to cater to my kindergarten students. All students can be learners regardless of ability. By taking one small change that I want to make to my classroom and focusing on that change for half of a year will make me more confident of making my classroom a differentiated environment. I also realize that after this class ends, my learning about differentiated instruction will not stop. I plan on continuing to gain valuable resources and focus on how I can best differentiate my instruction.

One immediate change that I am currently making in my classroom is analyzing my students and really focusing on how they learn best. I have gotten some additional children in my classroom and have had to do the same thing with these students, but knowing a little less about them. I have set up some interest profiles that have been simplified for kindergarten, which give me more information about how they learn best and their interests. I am hoping that I can take this information and use it at the beginning of the school year. I believe that my instruction should mirror my students.