Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Social Learning Theories

So many students today benefit from social learning theories. From the time that we are small we find that we learn from other individuals, mainly our parents. By the time we get to school our resources for learning expands enormously. We are suddenly surrounded by people who are the same age as we are and a teacher who shows us how to learn. Social learning theories state that we surround ourselves with people to learn from each other and to acquire knowledge. The resources this week provided many examples of social learning theories in practice.


A familiar term we hear about is cooperative learning. Cooperative learning encourages students to interact with each other in groups to enhance their learning (Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). This term is used interchangeably with most of our social learning theories because each theory has something in common and that is children learning from each other. I learn from other people just by hearing opinions and expanding my circle or perspective on most issues. This is the theory of connectivism which says that learning is distributed through a social network, technology, or recognizing patterns (Orey, M.(Ed.). (2001).


Technology plays such an important role in social learning theories. Allowing for groups to communicate via a computer instead of face to face in every situation. Students can participate in webQuests, KeyPals, and creating web sites. Students I think respond much better to instant gratifying and web created tools. It is amazing to think that students from all over the world can be learning from each other.



 Orey, M.(Ed.). (2001). Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from



Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


  1. Even as adults we learn and understand by interacting with each other. This is no different for elementary students. We are able to hear opinions and ideas from others and connect them to what we believe. Technology bridges this all together. Students are communicating through computer based tools so early on in their education that as they develop they will learn so much more than we ever did about other places, people, and their cultures. What types of technology do you incorporate into your classroom now?

  2. It is pretty amazing to think how technology can expand our reach way beyond the classroom. We talk a lot about diversity with in the classroom but think of the diverse network our students can tap into from every corner of the planet. I think in some ways technology is changing the way our students learn instead of the learning being supported by the technology. Your opinion?

  3. Erica, social learning and cooperative learning pretty much go hand in hand. I think technology can enhance social learning. Giving students oppotunities to connect with people from all over the world is so very powerful. I was thinking about starting a keypals program. Have you ever integrated the use of keypals or know someone in you school who has?
